dobry tekst od naszej znajomej Quinn Norton -- ze zdjęciem z HSWAW (zgadnijcie które): https://medium.com/message/81e5f33a24e1
Mięsne kawałki na zachętę:
"The risks on a societal level from giving up our privacy are terrible. Yet the consequences of not doing so on an individual basis are immediately crippling."
"So yes, the geeks and the executives and the agents and the military have fucked the world. But in the end, it’s the job of the people, working together, to unfuck it."
On 2014-05-22 10:41, rysiek wrote:
"The really bad bugs (and who knows which ones those are when they click the “Restart Later” button?) can get swept up by hackers, governments, and other horrors of the net that are scanning for versions of software they know they can exploit"
Does the author implies hackers are bad people? :>
"Another friend of mine accidentally shut down a factory with a malformed ping at the beginning of a pen test. For those of you who don’t know, a ping is just about the smallest request you can send to another computer on the network. It took them a day to turn everything back on."
Jacek Złydach, http://temporal.pr0.pl/devblog | http://esejepg.pl | http://hackerspace-krk.pl TRC - Bringing you tomorrow's solutions yesterday.