On 4 September 2014 02:02, TeMPOraL temporal.pl@gmail.com wrote:
a couple of random ones
"The point is – imagine a country full of bioweapon labs, where people toil day and night to invent new infectious agents. The existence of these labs, and their right to throw whatever they develop in the water supply is protected by law. And the country is also linked by the world’s most perfect mass transit system that every single person uses every day, so that any new pathogen can spread to the entire country instantaneously. You’d expect things to start going bad for that city pretty quickly.
Well, we have about a zillion think tanks researching new and better forms of propaganda. And we have constitutionally protected freedom of speech. And we have the Internet. So we’re pretty much screwed.
*(Moloch whose name is the Mind!)"*
Jacek Złydach, http://temporal.pr0.pl/devblog | http://esejepg.pl | http://hackerspace-krk.pl TRC - Bringing you tomorrow's solutions yesterday.