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(Sorry za możliwą obecność HTMLa w mailu, z telefonu wysyłam) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Dan Cunningham" Date: 26 Jun 2014 14:36 Subject: Geeklist #hack4good 0.6 Global: Hack against climate change - Call for volunteers, sponsors and partners To: Cc:
Yes, Use your skills, contacts, passion to Hack a Better World!
Preparation is under way now for
*Geeklist #hack4good 0.6 Global: Hack against climate change - Call for volunteers, sponsors and partners 12-14 Sep 2014 * Uniting globally this September, 3,000+ leading software engineers, hackers, ui/ux designers, product makers, founders, thought leaders and civic-minded organisations will gather in 30+ global cities, in tandem, to hack against climate change, building prototypes of technology solutions (such as web sites, mobile apps and hardware devices) that address challenges within three broad themes:
*1. Climate awareness* - creating the will to act universal understanding and awareness of climate change and what we can do about it a radical shift in public and political will to take the action necessary systems that create the right economic incentives for consumers and businesses
*2. Climate adaptation* - preparing for and mitigating the effects adapting to the climate effects that are already taking place (e.g. heatwaves, drought, forest fires, flooding, extreme weather events) mitigating against and preparing for events that are increasing in likelihood building communities that are resilient and proactive
*3. Climate action* - limiting climate change facilitating a rapid transition to carbon-free and low carbon energy ending deforestation and stimulating widespread reforestation influencing consumer and business behaviour to make climate-friendly choices How does #hack4good work?
Teams respond to problem statements and challenges set by NGOs, government organisations and subject matter experts, collaborating intensively over a 48-hour period. The result is 100s of prototype projects that demonstrate innovative technology solutions to have a positive impact for humanity.
*Hack4good 0.6 Locations so far* Bangalore Kazan Malta Odessa Santiago Berlin Krakow Minsk Paris Senegal Chicago Kiev Mumbai Philadelphia Southampton Dublin Lisbon New Delhi Port of Spain Topi Hyderabad London New Orleans San Jose Tunis Kathmandu Los Angeles New York San Francisco Washington DC
and more to be announced
In each location, a judging panel made up of technology leaders and subject matter experts will select the most promising teams in terms of their potential impact. These go forwards into global judging.
The teams selected by the global judging panel will present their projects as part of Climate Week NYC alongside the UN Climate Summit in New York in September. Previous #hack4good events
*Write-ups of our previous five events:* Jul 2013 - #hack4good 0.1 (US) - building mobile apps for charities and causes Oct 2013 - #hack4good 0.2 (global) - our first global hackathon united developers in 20+ countries Oct 2013 - #hack4good 0.3 (Dublin Web Summit) Nov 2013 - #hack4good 0.4 (Emergency response to Typhoon Yolanda, Philippines) Feb 2014 - #hack4good 0.5 (global) - 140 projects built in 21 locations
*Results* More than 200 projects have been built at Geeklist #hack4good events and more than 1 in 4 teams continue their projects after forming at #hack4good.
Geeklist and its partners support and facilitate teams formed at #hack4good to continue their projects beyond the hackathon and have a real impact in the world.
*Here are some of the success stories created at Geeklist #hack4good:*
* Taarifa for International Medical Corps* went on to win the Global Sanitation App Challenge, secured World Bank funding, now working to get adoption by Tanzanian government Ministry of Water.
*Humanitarian Internal Communication System* is undergoing further development in collaboration with INSEDD for field testing by Médecins Sans Frontières in Nigeria
*TreeTag* is being established as a social benefit b-corporation to certify supply chain origin of sustainably sourced timber, Jungle Bird are working with Greenpeace to field test in the Congo
*BangonPH* was built during the Philippines Typhoon Yolanda hackathon and quickly grew to track relief aid status in 135 locations
*CauseHub* – a tool to unify efforts around any cause – has graduated the Bethnal Green Ventures social impact accelerator programme and is now being piloted with non-profits
*Community Resilience Indexing System* - team is now contracted by Concern Worldwide and presenting their project at an international seminar in Ethiopia in May 2014
*Global media coverage* Geeklist #hack4good has been featured extensively by both technology and mainstream press, online, in print and on national television.
hack4good NGO partners
hack4good sponsors and partners
We partner with companies who share our vision of harnessing the world’s best technology to solve humanity’s greatest challenges. Together, we have an ongoing commitment to support teams in developing and deploying world-changing projects:
*Get involved*
* As a challenge partner...* Challenge partners are key to the success of #hack4good. Successful, sustainable projects are created when organisations bring forwards key challenges and problem statements, collaborate with teams over the 48-hour event and show an ongoing commitment to creating real-world impact with these projects.
*As a sponsor...* By sponsoring #hack4good, you will gain exposure to a network of developers passionate about changing the world, you’ll help build apps and products that better the world, and join Geeklist in giving these projects perpetual life to create real global impact on the issue of climate change.
For more information on getting involved as a sponsor or challenge partner, please contact or register here
Dan Cunningham Head of Geeklist Corps of Developers +44 7964 404 897 *Dan Cunningham* from Geeklist 26 Jun 2014
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