Dnia niedziela, 8 listopada 2015 14:35:13 Paweł Szubert pisze:
On Sun, Nov 8, 2015, 11:38 rysiek rysiek@hackerspace.pl wrote:
Bez komentarza. http://niewspierajhakera.pl/
To ciekawe, bo sam Microsoft przyznaje się do wspierania hakerów:
"Hackers, makers, artists, tinkerers, musicians, inventors – on any given day at The Garage, numerous species of geek are present and accounted for"
"Gilbert says even as The Garage gains more participants, it will remain the kind of place where tinkerers can show up clutching a napkin with sketches of a prototype; where hackers can graze on pizza, the fuel of after-hours brain power, while they code and call out to the room if they get stuck; where inventors can turn their ideas to reality."
Hah, można by im mashup z tego zrobić. :D