Dnia piątek, 23 stycznia 2015 16:08:26 TeMPOraL pisze:
">"On that day, a male and female agent started an argument in San Francisco's Glen Park public library, to get Ulbricht's attention. As soon as Ulbricht was distracted, another agent grabbed the open computer"
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you defeat crypto. How could you even defend yourself against such a thing? The only thing that comes to mind is never working in public on a computer."
O boge.
I'm laughing my ass off like you wouldn't believe. :D :D :D :D :D.
Ja też trochę parskłem. Zwłaszcza tu:
"The jury saw spreadsheets of Silk Road finances, Ulbricht's personal tracking of his 'net worth,'..."
"...and got just a small glimpse of the years of TorChat chat logs with Silk Road administrators that were on the machine. In those chats, "myself"—the default name for a user of TorChat—made key executive decisions about how to run Silk Road."
Ech. Logi. Can't live with them, can't live without them, it seems.
"The men had not broken the encryption. After seeing Ulbricht in public, they quickly scuttled their original plan, to arrest him at home the following day. They adopted a more street-level approach. It was one their suspect—a young man with two college degrees, hunting for a spot in a San Francisco cafe, coming to rest in a quiet library—had not thought of. It was the strategy of the poor and the desperate, of thieves and thugs.
He turned his head, and they reached out, and took his things."
Fucking opsec. Fajnie, mam szyfrowany dysk. So what. Siedzę teraz w ciapągu i piszę te słowa, szansa, że ktoś uparty wyciągnie mi lapka z rąk tak, ze nie zdążę nawet zablokować ekranu jest... cóż, niezerowa.
Wat do? Dead man's switch, po którym się dysk shreduje? Bo opcja "wyślę komendę z telefonu" generalnie odpada, gdy ręce (jak Ulbrichta) są w kajdankach.
Compartmentalization? Odrębne kontenery na odrebne tematy (np. per folder)?
Jakieś inne pomysły?