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Hackerspace Kraków <hackerspace.krk@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 1:25 AM
Subject: We've got the place!
To: Maciej <
Hackerspace Kraków newsletter.
We've got the place!
Long time no see, we know. In our defense: we were busy. We're not formalized yet but we've got surprise for You. We've got the place! Remember this address:
ul. Radziwiłłowska 20/2, Kraków
Ofcourse it needs some renovation, furniture and other stuff, but still! We're not inviting You though (unless You like messy, empty spaces or want to help us with dirty work). We're planning housewarming party as soon as we get to the point where we will not be ashamed of the mess. Please be patient and keep your fingers crossed.
Keep on hacking,
Hackerspace Kraków team